Ficus lyrata

Ficus lyrata, or the Fiddle Leaf Fig, is a captivating indoor plant known for its large, violin-shaped leaves with a glossy, deep green color. It can grow to a height of 6-10 feet, making it a striking focal point in interior decor. Thriving in bright, indirect light, it requires consistent moisture and humidity to maintain its elegant appearance. The Fiddle Leaf Fig is a beloved choice for adding a touch of nature’s beauty to indoor spaces.

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Ficus lyrata, commonly known as the Fiddle Leaf Fig, is a highly sought-after and visually striking indoor plant known for its large, violin-shaped leaves. Here is a detailed description:

Scientific Name: Ficus lyrata

Common Names: Fiddle Leaf Fig, Ficus lyrata, Ficus pandurata


  1. Leaves: The most iconic feature of the Fiddle Leaf Fig is its impressive, fiddle-shaped leaves. These leaves are typically large, ranging from 10 to 15 inches (25 to 38 centimeters) in length, and they have a glossy, deep green color. The leaves are leathery in texture and have prominent veins, giving them a bold and elegant appearance.
  2. Size: Ficus lyrata can grow as a tall, tree-like plant, reaching heights of 6 to 10 feet (1.8 to 3 meters) when grown indoors. Its growth rate can vary, but it generally grows slowly.
  3. Trunk and Bark: The plant has a robust trunk that can be brown or grayish in color. Over time, the trunk may develop a more textured appearance.
  4. Habitat: Fiddle Leaf Figs are native to the tropical rainforests of West Africa, where they can grow into large trees. As houseplants, they are prized for their decorative foliage and adaptability to indoor conditions.
  5. Light Requirements: These plants thrive in bright, indirect light. They prefer exposure to filtered sunlight but should be protected from direct sunlight, which can scorch their leaves. Insufficient light can lead to leggy growth and reduced foliage.
  6. Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Water thoroughly when the top inch (2.5 centimeters) of soil feels dry. Avoid overwatering, as this can lead to root rot. Proper drainage is essential.
  7. Temperature and Humidity: Ficus lyrata does well in temperatures between 65-75°F (18-24°C) and appreciates moderate to high humidity levels. Regular misting or using a humidity tray can help maintain adequate moisture.
  8. Pruning: Pruning can help maintain the plant’s shape and size. Trim back any leggy growth and prune to encourage bushier growth.
  9. Fertilizing: Feed your Fiddle Leaf Fig with a balanced liquid fertilizer every 4-6 weeks during the growing season (spring and summer). Reduce or eliminate fertilization in the dormant season (fall and winter).
  10. Pests and Diseases: Keep an eye out for common houseplant pests like aphids, mealybugs, and spider mites. Regularly inspect the plant to catch and address any issues early.

Ficus lyrata is celebrated for its stunning, sculptural leaves and is a popular choice among indoor plant enthusiasts. With proper care and attention to its light, humidity, and watering needs, it can thrive as a striking centerpiece in your home or office.


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